
Time wait

The time-wait action pauses execution for the specified amount of time.

Name Type Required Action Info
hours integer No No Time in hours for the user to sleep
minutes integer No No Time in minutes for the user to sleep
seconds integer No No Time in seconds for the user to sleep
miliseconds integer No No Time in milliseconds for the user to sleep

The user must set at least one of the time units. The total time in milliseconds is used as sleep time.


{"time-wait" : { "minutes" : 10 } }

Time random wait

The time-random_wait action pauses execution for an unspecified amount of time.

Name Type Required Action Info
hours integer No No Time in hours for the user to sleep
minutes integer No No Time in minutes for the user to sleep
seconds integer No No Time in seconds for the user to sleep
miliseconds integer No No Time in milliseconds for the user to sleep

The user must set at least one of the time units. The total time in milliseconds is used to choose a random value between 1 and the total.


{"time-random_wait" : { "minutes" : 10 } }

Time now

The time-now action returns the time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970.


{"time-now" : {  } }

Time date

The time-date action returns the time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 from the actual date plus hours from midnight.

Name Type Required Action Info
hours integer no no Hours from midnight.


{"time-date" : {"hours" : 2} }

Time past

The time-past action returns the time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 minus the specified amount of time.

Name Type Required Action Info
hours integer No No Time in hours for the user to sleep.
minutes integer No No Time in minutes for the user to sleep.
seconds integer No No Time in seconds for the user to sleep.
miliseconds integer No No Time in milliseconds for the user to sleep.

At least one of the time units should be specified.


{"time-past" : { "minutes" : 10, “hours” : 1 } }

Time future

The time-future action returns the time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 plus the specified amount of time.

Name Type Required Action Info
hours integer No No Time in hours for the user to sleep.
minutes integer No No Time in minutes for the user to sleep.
seconds integer No No Time in seconds for the user to sleep.
miliseconds integer No No Time in milliseconds for the user to sleep.

At least one of the time units should be specified.


{"time-future" : { "minutes" : 10, “hours” : 1 } }