Generic checks


The check-eq action checks whether the two values provided are equal.

Name Type Required Action Info
left basic Yes Yes Left member of the comparison.
right basic Yes Yes Right member of the comparison.


{"check-eq" : {
       "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } },
       "right" : 3

Not equal

The check-neq action checks whether the two values provided are different.

Name Type Required Action Info
left basic Yes Yes Left member of the comparison.
right basic Yes Yes Right member of the comparison.


{"check-neq" : {
       "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } }
       "right" : 3

Less than

The check-lt action checks that the "left" value is smaller than the "right" value.

Name Type Required Action Info
left basic Yes Yes Left member of the comparison.
right basic Yes Yes Right member of the comparison.


{"check-lt" : {
       "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } },
       "right" : 3

Greater than

The check-gt action checks that the "left" value is greater than the "right" value.

Name Type Required Action Info
left basic Yes Yes Left member of the comparison.
right basic Yes Yes Right member of the comparison.


{"check-gt" : {
       "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } },
       "right" : 3


The check-all action takes a list of conditions (such as the generic checks listed above) and checks that all of them evaluate to true.

Name Type Required Action Info
conditions ne-list of objects Yes No List of conditions. A condition is an action that evaluates to a boolean.


{"check-all" : {
                 "conditions" :
                        {"check-eq" :
                                      "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } },
                                      "right" : 3


The check-any action takes a list of conditions (such as the generic checks listed above) and checks that at least one of them evaluates to true.

Name Type Required Action Info
conditions ne-list of objects Yes No List of conditions. A condition is an action that evaluates to a boolean.


{"check-any" : {
                 "conditions" :
                        {"check-eq" :
                                      "left" : { "counter-value" : { "counter" : "Session-Id" } },
                                      "right" : 3